Helping your child deal with a disappointing transfer test result
I was pleasantly surprised that one of my Northern Irish readers sent me a private message with a specific request. Could I provide some tips to guide parents in helping their children deal with a disappointing Transfer Test result. For my readers outside...
Finding Your Work-Life Balance Finding your work-life balance is about establishing the right prioritisation between our work and non-work responsibilities and activities. Too often, I hear people getting frustrated because they can’t get equal balance. For...
Sharpen Your Business’ Competitive Edge
Trust in Teams: Power of Intention
Power of intention is a massive thing when it comes to building trust in teams. Team members will interpret your intentions in any communication based on past experiences. Every manager should spend some time reviewing how they have fared...
Understanding Employee Engagement
Understanding employee engagement in your organisation is not something you can achieve just by running a survey. Even if you run that survey several times a year, every year. A survey is just a start in understanding employee engagement....
Trust in Teams Builds Strong Customer Relationships
Trust in Teams is a phrase we hear and read so often. Trust is rightly recognised as a key underpinning factor in great leadership, employee engagement, performance management and productivity. On 11th August 2019, I was interested to see a column by Luke...
Are You an Engaging Leader?
Are you an engaging leader? Most managers will honestly think 'yes, I am an engaging a certain point and for some of my team but not all'. Most managers will know that they could be more engaging and be a better leader. They...
Bottom-Up Employee Engagement Strategy
Does your company have a bottom-up employee engagement strategy? In this video, I discuss why this could be a powerful addition to your overall engagement strategy. Imagine the power of every employee in your organisation starting to deal...
Do Disengaged Employees Care?
Do disengaged employees care? We are often told that disengaged employees do not care and that they are a blight on our businesses that needs weeded out. This all stems from early employee engagement statements and publications in the 'who...