Engaging Leadership: Time to Ditch the Meetings?
The business world loves a good old meeting. There is nothing like a meeting to network, share ideas, collaborate and get stuff done. Right? Or, does this obsession with meetings disengage your employees and drain valuable resources and money from your business? ...
Engaging Leadership: Personal Power vs Position Power
The single greatest influencing factor on whether your team is engaged is you, the manager. A significant part of this influence you hold lies in the type of power you choose to use in order to carry out your manager role – position power or personal power. This is...
Engaging Leadership and Behaviours That Kill It
Engaging leadership brings huge benefits to any team, business unit or organisation. We all know it. We see the evidence everywhere and we are all familiar with the old saying: “Employees don’t leave jobs, they leave managers.” We have all worked in...
Increase Your Productivity At Work: 10 Tips
To increase your productivity at work requires seemingly simple changes in our behaviour. However, it requires us to change habits that have evolved over many years. Habits, as we all know, are difficult to change. It requires a disciplined approach but the rewards...
Work-Life Balance: how I found mine
Work-life balance is about finding and establishing the right prioritisation between our work and non-work responsibilities and activities. Too often, I hear people getting frustrated because they can’t get equal balance. For them, it is too unpredictable as one...
Engaging Leadership: 6 Personal Strategies
We all know the old saying ‘people don’t leave jobs, they leave managers’. It may only be an old saying – but it is also painfully true. Too often we see talented employees leaving for a job elsewhere because their managers fail to meet their expectations. These...
The Complete Employee Engagement Toolkit
When procuring employee engagement products, a major dilemma for many business owners and HR managers is whether they should follow the trend by going for a fully automated platform or should they stick with the traditional consultant led option? At etimes2, we offer...
Challenge the Status Quo: 7 tips
Every business needs empowered employees who are driven to do things differently and better. So, if you decide to challenge the status quo at your work, you may be doing your employer a great favour. By doing so, you may end up saving money, driving key...
Empower Employees to Challenge the Status Quo and Sharpen Your Competitive Edge
Business is a competitive environment. There is no doubt about that. There is also no doubt that in order to survive, let alone thrive, in such an environment every business needs to find the competitive edge. Yet, so many businesses actively steer clear from the...
Engagement Building Activity for All Team Leaders & Line Managers
This article outlines a key engagement building activity for all line managers and team leaders. It focuses on how to develop an understanding of what motivates and engages individual members of your team. Background Like most employee engagement...