Engaging Leadership Series: Becoming an engaging leader
This Engaging Leadership Series is aimed at managers who want to build high performing teams and who see becoming an engaging leader as a key part of their success strategy. We will look at how you can take key steps to become an engaging leader before, in future...
5 Tips for Successful Employee Engagement Strategies
Employee Engagement Strategy: Seeing Through The Fog
Welcome to our first video blog! In this video, I present why some approaches to employee engagement strategy do not work.
Challenge Your Employees: Get Ready To Be Surprised
Deciding to challenge your employees or team members would seem to be a great way to motivate them to give you high performance. Or, so it would seem. When is the last time senior management where you work set out a high performance strategy based on challenging...
Increase Employee Engagement Among Blue-Collar Workers
I was asked to answer this question on Quora earlier this week - 'what are some activities to increase employee engagement among blue-collar workers?'. It is an interesting question that brings needed focus to employee engagement outside the office environment. It...
The Power of Collective Intelligence in the Workplace
Many organisations are realising that their employee engagement efforts are creating an additional opportunity: the prospect of being able to harness the collective intelligence of their workforce. In sport, we often hear commentators talking about the ‘total being...
Disengaged Employees Are Talented Employees
According to most sources, the majority of employees are disengaged. They will be ‘getting by’ every day, doing maybe enough just to stay out of trouble. They will be going about their working day, resenting each minute they spend there. Watching the clock,...
Well-Being At Work: British Psychological Society Report
This has been an interesting week in relation to my thoughts and approach to employee engagement and well-being at work. First of all, I have been reading some interesting conversations on LinkedIn about how employees are treated in the workplace and how this makes...
Organisational Culture vs Proximity: which has greater impact on employee engagement?
This question has been giving me some food for thought in recent times. I have enjoyed interesting conversations with advocates of both aspects of this argument – what influences employee engagement more, high level organisational culture or that which is closer...
Why People Work: the key to motivating your workforce
Why do people work? This is a key question for most businesses. If you can figure out why people work (why your employees turn up every day), then you can hone in on how to motivate them more effectively. In my experiences to date, one of the major influences on...