The Power of Acceptance in Resilient Leadership

Acceptance plays an important role in becoming a resilient leader.  Learning how to accept is a powerful skill that provides the leader with armour to protect her from the myths of resilience and many of the pop psychology clichés in the leadership world, such as:...

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Positivity: is this reducing your resilience?

Surely the intent to become more resilient is based in learning, growth and advancement.  For most of us anyway.  We want to become more resilient because we want to be better at something or to deal with something more effectively.  Positivity, therefore, is crucial...

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Control: Resilient Leadership

Major debate is taking place in the sport I played and coached in for over 30 years, with my children now heavily involved in juvenile teams.  This debate centres around whether juvenile players under 12 years of age should be exposed to competition.  Many advocates...

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Purpose: the Resilient Leader

“Finding your purpose” at work is one of those statements that may appear both overused and a bit of a cliché.  However, it is much more than a cliché.  It is essential for becoming more resilient.   Research widely indicates a strong link between purpose and...

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Patience: Resilient Leadership

Patience is absolutely fundamental to becoming a resilient leader, don’t you think?   Think about it.  So far in this Resilient Leadership series, we have looked at mental toughness, focus and gaining perspective.  Which of these skills can you master without...

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