One of the main HR objectives in many businesses is to build an engaged workforce. Employee engagement is front and centre of mind for senior management and business owners. Not just HR managers. This is even more important these days as the march of technology...
This is the founding principle of etimes2. Employee potential is core to how we think. We fully believe that all employees have the potential to be great – great employees and great ambassadors for your company. Find out what is blocking the potential in your team:...
There are many articles citing the failings of the Annual Employee Engagement Survey. These articles are often predicting, calling for and supporting the demise of the annual engagement survey. So, are these authors and commenters correct in this? Here is my take...
The Problem Losing new hires to disengagement at work is a problem faced by many organisations. Significant costs such as absenteeism, productivity, quality and customer attrition are associated with this problem. The Solution Several steps can be taken to...
Some recent articles have highlighted how engaged new hires have experienced a relatively quick descent into disengagement. What happens in the new hire’s experiences with their new employer that causes disengagement to set in? We all know the costs of disengagement...