Getting the best from all employees

Getting the best from all employees is just one benefit of Engaging Leadership Benefits of engaging leadership include getting the best from all employees because the engaging leader treats all team members as individuals, rather than taking a ‘one for...

Your Performance is a Gift That You Choose To Give

A story about two managers in the same team, struggling to bring their struggling teams up to the required performance standards. This story tells how their different attitudes and approach to the development provided influenced the reaction of their...

Finding Your Work Life Balance

Finding your work-life balance is about establishing the right prioritisation between our work and non-work responsibilities and activities.  Too often, I hear people getting frustrated because they can’t get equal balance.  For them, it is too unpredictable as one...

Helping your child deal with a disappointing transfer test result

I was pleasantly surprised that one of my Northern Irish readers sent me a private message with a specific request.  Could I provide some tips to guide parents in helping their children deal with a disappointing Transfer Test result. For my readers outside...