Leading Hybrid Teams

ILM Level 5 Certificate Leadership and Management

Who should attend our Leading Hybrid Teams course?

Our Leading Hybrid Teams course is suitable for managers, supervisors and heads of departments who are faced with their team members following a hybrid working pattern where they mix working from home with field and/or office based work.  It is also suitable for new and aspiring managers and supervisors who want to learn about leading hybrid teams and for those wishing to develop more insight to remote leadership.

It is recommended as a first course for those dealing with hybrid teams for the first time or as a refresher for those who have attended this training before or have more experience.

There are no prerequisites for attending this course.

Please complete the contact box on the right and we will call you to discuss your specific requirements.  Or, simply ask for dates & venues for our public & virtual courses.

ILM Lv 5 Leading Hybrid Teams Request

    What Will Learners Gain From Participation?

    leading hybrid teams

    By the end of this 5 day programme on Remote Leadership, participants will be able to successfully lead a motivated, engaged and high performing hybrid team.  They will achieve this by:

    • Understanding how hybrid working affects team dynamics and be able to apply effective strategies to build a strong team culture
    • Being able to apply a toolkit of techniques and strategies to engage and motivate individuals in a hybrid team including building trust, agreeing objectives and holding successful 1:1s
    • Understanding how to adapt communications to ensure open, effective and motivational interactions with all team members, regardless of location and working patterns
    • Knowing how to maintain collaborative working in a hybrid team and encourage strong working relationships
    • Understanding how hybrid working affects different individuals, recognising the signs of tension and stress, and having techniques and tools to support individuals who are not adapting to this way of working
    • Developing strategies to maintain team and individual mental health and well-being


    Approach & Course Outline


    Participants will benefit from a course and approach designed to be responsive to their needs.  We don’t like an ‘off-the-shelf’ approach, instead preferring to carry out a pre-course discovery activity to uncover what the group needs from the course.  Then we adapt our course to meet these needs – no two courses are ever exactly the same.

    Throughout the course, participants will benefit from a highly interactive approach, designed to be challenging but also to continually adapt and respond to the learners.

    Participants will enjoy the benefits of a highly experienced ILM practitioner as their tutor on this course (see below).  He provides detailed guidance, advice and feedback, supporting each individual participant towards successful achievement of this qualification.


    Leading Hybrid Teams: Course Outline

    Course Overview

    Day Topic Key Content
    1 Introduction to Leading Hybrid Teams
    • ILM qualification & assessment: induction
    • Skills of the hybrid team leader
    • Adapting your leadership style
    • Hybrid leadership: the challenges
    • Toolkit: Becoming a successful leader of hybrid teams
    2 Managing Hybrid Workers
    • Characteristics of hybrid teams
    • Applying Tuckman’s team formation model in a hybrid environment
    • Developing team communication
    • Building trust and powerful relationships
    • Toolkit: building a strong hybrid team culture
    3 Engaging & Motivating Hybrid Workers
    • Understanding hybrid team expectations of the leader
    • Barriers to engagement and motivation
    • Engaging employees in a hybrid environment
    • Applying motivational theories to a hybrid team
    • Toolkit: building an engaged hybrid team
    4 Developing Talent in Hybrid Teams
    • Building trust in hybrid teams
    • Engaging hybrid workers in effective performance conversations
    • Assessing your team members to identify individual strengths and development needs
    • Encouraging continuous professional development
    • Toolkit: managing individual development
    5 Managing Stress & Well-being in a Hybrid Team
    • Common causes of stress for hybrid workers
    • Managing conflict in a hybrid environment
    • Understanding impact of hybrid working on employee well-being
    • Hybrid working and work-life balance
    • Toolkit: creating a hybrid team well-being strategy


    ILM Level 5 Certificate

    This course leads to an ILM Level 5 Certificate in Leadership & Management.  Participants will complete the following units:

    Unit No Unit Title Credit Value
    8607-505 Managing Individual Development 4
    8607-506 Managing Stress & Conflict in the Organisation 3
    8607-522 Becoming an Effective Leader 5
    8607-526 Managing Remote Workers 5
    8607-415 Motivating People in the Workplace 2
      Total Credits 19

    Meet the Trainer

    Nigel McPolin

    Founder & CEO

    An MSc Occupational Psychology graduate from the School of
    Psychology, Queen’s University of Belfast , Nigel has over 23 years’
    experience across the sectors – public, private and not-for-profit.

    He is a highly experienced ILM practitioner, having established his first Approved ILM Centre in 2005.  Since then, he has successfully delivered ILM accredited programmes in Leadership & Management, Coaching and Mentoring and Train the Trainer to a wide range of clients across the sectors and hundreds of learners.

    Nigel enjoys a 100% success rate in guidling learners to achievement of ILM qualifications.  He has been able to achieve and maintain this record through a diligent understanding of ILM specifications, assessment and quality assurance requirements and working to exceed all requirements.  He is also a former ILM External Quality Assurance Consultant with over 10 years’ experience.

    Contact Details:

    tel: +44 (0)28 9581 8090
    mobile: +44 (0)79 6875 6056
    email: nigel@etimes2.com

    LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/nigel-mcpolin/

    Twitter: @etimes2ltd

    Client Testimonials

    “Forced me to go out of my comfort zone in presenting, which I enjoyed afterwards!  Informal – relaxed by his style” Driver Training Manager

    “Nigel is a fantastic trainer, great knowledge and experience of course.  He really helped me overcome nerves/fears while training” Area Administrator

    “I really enjoyed my 3 days.  Nigel was excellent.  I found the training very interactive and relaxed.” Area Trainer

    “Plenty of time allocated.  Videos great to learn from.  Great trainer. Very much enjoyed it.” HR Manager

    “Enjoyable.  Relaxed.  Informative.  Rewarding.” H&S Manager


    Follow-Up Support

    Participants on etimes2 training programmes are invited to join our exclusive social media group for on-going support and development.  This is open-ended and included in the cost.

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