Leadership Skills for New Managers

ILM Level 3 Award Leadership and Management

Who should attend our ILM Level 3 Leadership Skills for New Supervisors course?

This course is suitable for new managers, team leaders and supervisors who are either in their first supervisory/junior management role or who are planning to move into their first leadership role in the future.

It is also recommended as a refresher for those who have attended similar training before or have more experience.

There are no prerequisites for attending this course.

Dates of next course (on-line: 3 days):

  • 21st April 2023
  • 26th May 2023
  • 23rd June 2023

Cost:  £295 per person (including registration, assessment and certification)

new supervisor training

What Will Learners Gain From Participation?

By the end of this 3 day programme, participants will experience a smooth transition into the supervisor role with a toolkit of techniques and strategies to get the best from their team.  They will achieve this by:

  • Understanding leadership and how it applies to the supervisory role
  • Exploring their own leadership styles and how it impacts team performance
  • Developing strategies to build an effective and performing team
  • Knowing how to manage conflict within the team and use it positively
  • Having clear strategies to motivate and engage their team members to improve performance


Approach & Course Outline


Participants will benefit from a course designed and delivered by a trainer with a long history in both delivering ILM qualifications and who worked for ILM as an External Quality Verifier for 9 years.  We know these qualifications inside out and will guide our learners to successful completion with a minimum of fuss.

Our learners receive training designed to specifically meet the assessment critieria, informative assessment tutorials and assignment workbooks designed to take the stress out of the assessment process.  We provide access to an on-line platform with tutorial videos plus a range of additional learning materials so our participants can access the materials and guidance 24/7.


Course Outline

Course Overview

Day Topic Key Content
1 Introduction to leadership for new supervisors
  • Pre-course: participant survey
  • ILM qualification & assessment: induction
  • Understanding key leadership models
  • Assessing own leadership style
  • Understanding impact of your style on your team and knowing how to adapt
  • Toolkit: Adapting your leadership style
2 Motivating Your Team to Improve Performance
  • Identify the factors that may affect motivation levels in the workplace
  • Know the main motivation theories and how to apply them in the workplace
  • Understand the impact on team and organisational performance if motivation is low
  • Know how to apply employee engagement techniques to increase motivation
  • Toolkit: employee engagement and motivation strategy (team/organisation employee engagement survey)
3 Building a High Performing Team
  • Understand the stages of team formation
  • Understand the benefits of effective team working
  • Knowing techniques and behaviours that build trust and be able to apply these
  • Identify causes of conflict and understand their impact
  • Be able to apply recognised techniques of conflict management
  • Toolkit: Team development strategy


ILM Level 3 Award in Leadership & Management

This course leads to an ILM Level 3 Award in Leadership & Management. Learners will receive full guidance and support throughout the 3 day course and beyond to successfully complete the assessments.  Assessments will be completed in guided stages throughout the 3 day course.

Participants will complete the following units:

Unit No Unit Title
8600-308 Understanding Leadership
8600-309 Understanding How to Establish an Effective Team
8600-310 Understanding How to Motivate to Improve Performance
8600-312 Understand Conflict Management in the Workplace


Meet the Trainer

Nigel McPolin

Founder & CEO

An MSc Occupational Psychology graduate from the School of
Psychology, Queen’s University of Belfast , Nigel has over 23 years’
experience across the sectors – public, private and not-for-profit.

He is a highly experienced ILM practitioner, having established his first Approved ILM Centre in 2005.  Since then, he has successfully delivered ILM accredited programmes in Leadership & Management, Coaching and Mentoring and Train the Trainer to a wide range of clients across the sectors and hundreds of learners.

Nigel enjoys a 100% success rate in guidling learners to achievement of ILM qualifications.  He has been able to achieve and maintain this record through a diligent understanding of ILM specifications, assessment and quality assurance requirements and working to exceed all requirements.  He is also a former ILM External Quality Assurance Consultant with over 10 years’ experience.

Contact Details:

tel: +44 (0)28 9581 8090
mobile: +44 (0)79 6875 6056
email: nigel@etimes2.com

LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/nigel-mcpolin/

Twitter: @etimes2ltd

Client Testimonials

“All training was clear, precise and well communicated.  Time was taken to help make you understand the task or project and make you see it from another point of view”

“Nigel is a fantastic trainer, great knowledge and experience of course.  He really helped me overcome nerves/fears while training” 

“The activities really put the information into context and in some cases allowed me to apply it back to my work situation almost immediately.”

“Nigel’s ability to speak around the content was excellent, he is clearly knowledgeable and experienced in this area.”

“Nigel has spent a lot of time preparing the course content. Hands down it was the best presented course I have been on and it had all the tools including ‘Nigel’s School’ as a back-up which I thought was outstanding”


Follow-Up Support

Participants on etimes2 training programmes are invited to join our exclusive social media group for on-going support and development.  This is open-ended and included in the cost.

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